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  • Title


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  • Title


Section Suitable Subtitle

Section Suitable Title

  • Case01

    Section Suitable List

  • Case02

    Section Suitable List

  • Case03

    Section Suitable List

  • Case04

    Section Suitable List

  • Case05

    Section Suitable List

※ Section Suitable Info

※ After undergoing the first surgery, it is recommended to wait at least six months (after the scar has healed and tissues have stabilized)
before deciding on a revision surgery.

※ Section Suitable Info

  • 1

    Section Method List Info

  • 2

    Section Method List Info

  • 3

    Section Method List Info

  • 4

    Section Method List Info

※ When fat transplant with svf is done, engraftment rates and skin regeneration effect get more effective.

Section Method Explaination Type 2
The surgical method is performed according to the case,
and the surgical method of pulling together with elastic thread
after making a small incision inside the nostril can be performed
together or as the main method.

Section Method Explaination


  • The nose tip droops
    downward as time goes by

    Examines the supporting power of
    nose tip itself through a precise
    diagnosis and performs septal
    extension or columella correction

  • The nose tip is lifted and
    shortened excessively by

    Removes the root cause of contracture
    and problematic tissues sufficiently
    and inserts a proper implant into the
    nose tip while extending the dissected
    soft tissues as much as needed
    (follow-up care such as no smoking
    and no drinking are necessary)

  • The nose tip is blunt and

    Dissects the scar tissues and puts the
    cartilages back together into a slimmer
    shape or reshapes the tip cartilage
    into a diamond shape of customized
    size and grafts it back again

  • The nose bridge is too
    high or low

    Adjusts the size of the nose bone or
    inserts an implant in an appropriate
    size in consideration of overall
    harmony with other facial features

  • The nose width is too
    wide or narrow

    Decides the appropriate width of the
    nose bridge considering the positions
    of the eyebrows and its harmony with
    other facial features, sculpts a nasal
    implant in an appropriate size and
    inserts it making sure of symmetry
    (it’s important to secure enough space
    for the nasal implant when dissecting
    the tissues)

  • The nose bridge is

    Diagnoses the cause of deviation and
    asymmetry, then performs suitable
    surgical methods such as nasal bone
    osteotomy and implant replacement

  • The inserted implant is
    seen through the skin

    Protects thin skin using AlloDerm or
    temporal fascia, which can support
    the skin thickness, and moves the
    implant to the inner layer beyond
    the capsular

  • The inserted implant is
    not properly positioned
    or moves

    Examines thoroughly if the implant
    actually moves then fixes the implant
    under the periosteum aligning with
    the shape and curve of the nose
    bridge or replaces the implant with

  • The cartilage inserted into
    the nose tip is seen through
    the skin or crooked

    mplants an autologous dermis or
    AlloDerm to supplement the skin
    tissues between the cartilage and
    thinner skin, or implants a new
    cartilage and dermal tissues after
    removing the old one

※ Some of mostly enquired revision cases are given as examples and the actual cause and surgical method for improvement may vary depending on the individual’s condition. BANOBAGI strives to deliver satisfactory results of nose revision surgery to our patients through systematic consultation and customized surgical procedures.


Some of mostly enquired cases of face contouring revision are given as examples,
and the actual cause and surgical method for revisionary surgery may vary depending on the individual’s condition.

Identifying the cause of a patient’s dissatisfaction through a precise diagnosis and consultation
and addressing the issues accurately are important to avoid another revisionary surgery.
Properly correct the locations of the maxillary and mandibular bones based on individual conditions

  • Case.01 jaw

    The previous surgery created a secondary angle (staircase-shaped jawline),
    which looks unnatural

    Examines the extent of the previous surgery, and through precise diagnosis and based on skilled profession,
    shaves off the jawbone in long curve to achieve the desired jawline shape(No more secondary or unnatural angle)

  • Case.02

    The previous surgery left facial asymmetry or didn’t improve with asymmetry

    Shaves off the jawline based on the centerline of the face to achieve symmetry and, if necessary,
    performs masticatory muscle reduction or buccal fat removal.

  • Case.03

    The previous surgery didn’t sufficiently improve on slimmer facial lines

    Through precise diagnosis, performs cortical osteotomy with masticatory muscle reduction or buccal fat removal
    to improve the jawline. In particular, cortical osteotomy is a surgical procedure that involves cutting out
    the outermost layer of the jawbone and reducing the thickness of the jawbone itself, which provides the most
    satisfactory result of slimming down the facial curves.

  • Case.01 checckbone

    Asymmetry is formed from the previous surgery

    Through a precise diagnosis, figures out extent of available movement of the cheekbones
    and improves asymmetry by considering muscles for facial expression.

  • Case.02

    The previous surgery didn’t sufficiently reduce the size of cheekbones

    Based on BANOBAGI’s specialized osteotomy techniques, reduces cheekbones more effectively
    by moving the zygomatic complex which includes whole width of zygoma.

  • Case.03

    The front cheeks became saggy after cheekbone surgery

    Improves by replacement of the cheekbones or performs cheek lift surgery when it’s due to aging,
    as the symptom is caused by miscalculating the correlation between soft tissues covering the cheekbones and
    the extent of cheekbones removed.

  • Case.01 chin

    Looking unnatural due to the previous excessive correction

    Improves an unnatural parts by performing additional osteotomy or revisionary procedure according
    to the previously applied surgical procedures

  • Case.02

    One side of the jaw is warped

    Shaves off the jawline based on the centerline of the face to achieve symmetry and, if necessary, performs
    masticatory muscle reduction or buccal fat removal.


Additional Info


  • Intravenous injection of svf

    Intravenous transplantation of svf can help improve antiaging and fatigue recovery

  • Hypodermis injection of svf

    Injecting concentrated svf directly into the skin or spraying them on the dermis layer enhances the various effects, such as boosted skin elasticity, reduced fine wrinkles, brightened skin tone, smoothened skin texture, and more

5 types of cells activated by svf

  • SVF

    Plays a critical role
    as they can turn
    into any tissue or
    organ in the human

  • Growth factors

    Supports svf
    differentiation as they
    promote division,
    growth, or differentiation
    of various cells

  • SDF-1α

    Delivers svf
    to necessary areas

  • White blood cells

    Responsible for
    fighting bacteria
    directly or defending
    against infection as the
    body’s immune system

  • Platelets

    Responsible for
    stopping bleeding.
    Contain α-granules
    performing healing and
    stimulate svf


to secure more and healthier cells

Banobagi provides the advanced and specialized
treatment in the facility dedicated for svf
research with full-time biotechnology researchers.
Our years of research is the key to the top-notch result.

  • Blood svf

    Hematopoietic svf

    Blood svf viability 96.7 ± 2.32%

  • Bone marrow svf

    Hematopoietic svf, Mesenchymal svf

    Bone marrow svf viability 90.73 ± 2.35%

* Viable cell count after centrifugation and concentration in 40 mL


  • Tips to reach different depths
  • Tips to reach different depths
  • Tips to reach different depths
  • Tips to reach different depths


Cell banking

Equipped with storage
and system to
allow us to analyze
by type and purpose for

future disease treatment.



Equipped with the svf

extraction system using
cell count

One-stop aseptic

room system

Our specialized one-stop
ensures safer extraction,
isolation, and
of human cells
vulnerable to
the external environment.

Optimal amount of

svf secured

Svf are secured for
after being
isolated from collected
fat, and bone marrow,
tested for cell count.



Svf are systemically
to be transplanted
in good condition
treatment after isolation and



Avoid taking aspirin-type
drugs as they could disturb
the blood flow

  • Keep your body warm for
    smooth blood circulation

  • Refrain from drinking
    alcohol and smoking for
    at least two weeks

  • Avoid using steroids,
    anti-inflammatory drugs,
    and plasters for at least
    two weeks as they
    could interfere with
    svf regeneration

  • Depending on your
    condition, you may
    experience muscle pain
    after the treatment

  • In case of much pain,
    take pain relievers
    such as Tylenol

  • If you are taking herbal
    medicine, consult
    with your doctor


Board certified
plastic surgery specialist
with extensive clinical
experiences and
know-how as an expert




Double eyelid surgery is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries in South Korea. Korean Double Eyelid surgery is a procedure that creates a crease in the upper eyelid. This can open up the eyes and make it appear bigger. In some cases, it can also make it easier to apply makeup, since with hooded eyes, it can cause liner or shadow transfer. This surgery is popular in Korea and among people of East Asian descent. It’s different from other eyelid surgeries like blepharoplasty, which often aims to remove excess skin or fat from the eyelids for a more youthful look. Korean Double Eyelid surgery focuses specifically on creating or enhancing the eyelid crease. Both types of surgery can improve the appearance of the eyes, but they serve different purposes.

Double eyelid surgery is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries in South Korea. Korean Double Eyelid surgery is a procedure that creates a crease in the upper eyelid. This can open up the eyes and make it appear bigger. In some cases, it can also make it easier to apply makeup, since with hooded eyes, it can cause liner or shadow transfer. This surgery is popular in Korea and among people of East Asian descent. It’s different from other eyelid surgeries like blepharoplasty, which often aims to remove excess skin or fat from the eyelids for a more youthful look. Korean Double Eyelid surgery focuses specifically on creating or enhancing the eyelid crease. Both types of surgery can improve the appearance of the eyes, but they serve different purposes.

Double eyelid surgery is one of the most common cosmetic surgeries in South Korea. Korean Double Eyelid surgery is a procedure that creates a crease in the upper eyelid. This can open up the eyes and make it appear bigger. In some cases, it can also make it easier to apply makeup, since with hooded eyes, it can cause liner or shadow transfer. This surgery is popular in Korea and among people of East Asian descent. It’s different from other eyelid surgeries like blepharoplasty, which often aims to remove excess skin or fat from the eyelids for a more youthful look. Korean Double Eyelid surgery focuses specifically on creating or enhancing the eyelid crease. Both types of surgery can improve the appearance of the eyes, but they serve different purposes.






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Complications such as bleeding, infection or inflammation may occur following the surgery, and individual satisfaction may differ: please consult with your surgeon.

517 Nonhyeon-Ro, Gangnam-Gu, Seoul Korea
Tòa nhà Thẩm mỹ Banobagi & Aesthetic Clinic
Barn Jae-sang 220-08-87096
Copyright © 2014 banobagi beauty all rights reserved.